Insisting on good customer data

According to this article, The average enterprise organization uses almost a hundred marketing cloud services. That seems like an extraordinarily large number of cloud systems and services. Why would that be?

Part of the reason seems to lie in the fact that each of these marketing services has a specific purpose or intention and not that many of them cover all the ground that you might be interested in.

Successful use of data management tools requires the ability to pull (and sometimes push) data from a wide number of data assets and content systems including CRM, ERP, CDP, eCommerce etc. The better tools not only enjoy hyperconnectedness but also leverage Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to automate a lot of the mundane tasks that you might want or need to undertake. Automation isn’t everything but a complete lack of automation leaves you having to perform certain tasks manually which is time-consuming and inefficient.

You’ll also be expecting those tools to be authoritative. In other words, prescriptive about what you’re looking at and where it stands relative to your other data. Unfortunately things, like spreadsheets, simply don’t meet the needs of many businesses, particularly when it comes to good customer data management so if you continue to be reliant on those, you may not only be putting precious data assets at risk, you may even be in violation of local privacy and data security requirements.

If you’re relying on your CRM or CDP to be the authority, then the follow-on question you might want to ask, is just confident are you that either (or both) of those systems contain the best possible view of the customer? Pretectum has found that often the CRM or CDP is riddled with incomplete records as well as duplicates and in the long term, this can cause not only a reputation problem for your business, amongst your customers, but also can compromise your ability to retain those existing customers as they grow weary of dealing with your bad data problems and uninteresting targeting and messaging.

There are tools in the market that can help address these problems but they are often focused on working only with specific systems and platforms. They may also only perform some of the essential tasks that you might require.

The Pretectum CMDM is designed to provide a flexible yet resilient platform for the mastery of the customer master accompanied by appropriate levels of data governance and stewardship for all shapes and sizes of business.

While no tool can ever claim to be the perfect solution for all the ills that often befall customer master data management, we believe that the Pretectum CMDM is one that can help most businesses improve their data management game, improve their customer master data and all the while, be compliant, secure and confident in the quality of the customer data that they hold.

You have to start somewhere and often the starting point is recognising that ad hoc data management practices, particularly around customer master data management, need more rigour and management practice around the creation, maintenance and distribution of customer master data. Pretectum’s cloud-based platform offers you a sophisticated multi-user application that is configurable for all types of customer master data.

Pretectum’s schema-based data modelling functionality gives you the flexibility to choose which data attributes you care about most as well as the ability to incorporate record attributes that are perhaps not to be found in any of your existing systems but which you believe are important in getting the best understanding and relationship with your customers.

A configurable set of roles with permissions and role assignment enables you to give users only the right level of access to the data within the system and the inherent data loading and data entry logic helps to guide you on problematic records and avoid the capture of bad data.

Only by changing the way your business handles your data and the way your business users think about their use of and management of customer data can you start to move toward a situation where you can start insisting on having good customer data. We feel sure that you agree, that a world where your customer data is the best it can possibly be, is a world where the associate’s engagement and the customer interaction driven by good customer data can be nothing but better!

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