Knowing your customers through the “thick” and the “thin”

Thick data” refers to qualitative information that provides insights into the context, emotions, and human experiences associated with a particular phenomenon.

Thick Data is often contrasted with “big data,” which typically consists of large volumes of quantitative and structured data. While big data is valuable for statistical analysis and identifying patterns, thick data adds depth and richness by offering a more nuanced understanding of the social and cultural factors influencing a situation.

Thick data is usually collected through methods such as interviews, ethnographic studies, participant observations, and open-ended surveys. These approaches allow researchers to gather subjective and context-specific information that may be challenging to capture through quantitative means alone. The combination of big data and thick data is often seen as a holistic approach to gaining comprehensive insights into complex phenomena.

Thin data” is a term that might be used to describe a small amount of information or data points that may lack depth or context. Unlike big data, which involves massive datasets with diverse and complex information, thin data typically refers to limited and less detailed datasets. This Thin Data may not provide a comprehensive understanding of a particular subject, and its analysis may be more straightforward compared to the intricate analysis required for big data.

In some cases, the distinction between thick data and thin data is made to highlight the depth of qualitative insights (thick data) versus the limited and often quantitative nature of some datasets (thin data). The Thin Data might be more readily available but may not capture the full complexity or richness of a situation. It’s essential to consider the quality, relevance, and depth of data when making decisions or drawing conclusions based on thin data.

It’s easy to say an organization should make customers their north star. Yet the reality is many organizations remain product and service-focused and are far from customer-centric. To tackle the challenge of customer-centricity and improve the overall customer experience, businesses need to execute a strategy that is business culture-aligned and technologically provides an advantage.

The concept of Thick Data gained prominence through a 2016 TEDx Cambridge talk and a compelling Ethnography Matters article by former Nokia researcher Tricia Wang. Thick Data is a derivative of qualitative methods, it offers insights into the emotional and motivational aspects of people, shedding light on their thought processes. This goes beyond mere facts and behaviors, providing crucial context and narrating the stories that “breathe life” into the numbers and statistics associated with the customer.

Big Data emphasizes quantification and numerical analysis, Thick Data reminds us of the human side of business, capturing the nuances that might be overlooked in the proverbial sea of spreadsheets and graphs.

The Duality of Big Data and Thick Data

Big Data and Thick Data, though seemingly at odds, play complementary roles in driving optimal business decisions. Big Data analytics focuses on incremental improvements, optimizing existing systems based on data-generated insights. In contrast, Thick Data analytics ventures into the realm of change, challenging the status quo and uncovering transformative opportunities, albeit on a smaller scale.

The sweet spot lies in integrating both types of data, especially in understanding the customer experience. Big Data reveals what customers are doing and where improvements can be made, while Thick Data uncovers the reasons behind their behaviors and their desires for a different experience.

Customer Master Data Management: A Holistic Approach

With Customer Master Data Management (CMDM), the integration of Big Data and Thick Data can be pivotal. CMDM involves the meticulous process of gathering, curating, analyzing, and syndicating customer data.

The Thick

Thick Data in CMDM can originate from qualitative sources such as customer interviews, feedback sessions, and ethnographic studies, such methods delve into the emotional and motivational aspects of customers, with a deeper understanding of customer preferences, experiences, and expectations. Qualitative insights, for example, might reveal that a customer’s loyalty is tied to personalized interactions rather than just transactional efficiency.

Thick Data in CMDM can be profoundly impactful as it adds a layer of context to the quantitative metrics gathered through CMDM processes, enabling organizations to tailor their strategies to align with the genuine needs and desires of their customers. When CMDM decisions are informed by Thick Data, they are rooted in statistical analysis and reflect a deep understanding of the humanness behind customer records.

The Thin

Thin Data in CMDM more typically comes from quantitative sources such as transactional records, purchase history, and demographic data – effectively your transactional systems like POS, CRM, ERP, or even CDP. Thin Data lacks the depth of qualitative insights but provides essential information for CMDM processes. Pattern analysis in Thin Data might reveal the most popular products among a certain demographic or suggest the frequency of customer interactions.

Thin Data is valuable in CMDM for its efficiency in handling large volumes of information because you provide it in aggregate, not in detail! This Thin Data forms the backbone of the structured datasets in support of the customer record, allowing you to identify potential trends, patterns, and correlations that can contribute to better-informed decision-making.

Relying solely on Thin Data without the enriching context of Thick Data might lead to overlooking the intricacies of customer behavior and preferences.

For leaders steering various Customer Master Data Management initiatives, embracing both Thick and Thin Data is important. The integration of these data allows for a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviors, preferences, and expectations. Creating a customer-centered A.U.R.A.

Awareness through Context-Driven Decision Making
Data management leaders who focus on customer analytics should champion a culture where business decisions are not solely based on quantitative metrics but are also influenced by the qualitative context provided by Thick Data thereby understanding the “why” behind customer behaviors. This enables more context-driven decision-making through CMDM.

A Holistic Customer Understanding
CMDM processes that incorporate both Thick and Thin Data ensure a more holistic understanding of customers. This holistic single-customer view enables organizations to tailor their approaches, offering not just efficient transactions but emotionally resonant interactions that build lasting customer relationships.

Facilitating Agility in Response to Change
While Thin Data facilitates agile responses to incremental improvements, Thick Data equips analytical leaders to identify and respond to transformative opportunities. A balance between these data types empowers organizations to adapt to changing customer expectations and market dynamics.

Advocacy for the Customer through Thick Data
Being able to advocate for customers, customer data management leaders can play a pivotal role in CMDM. Thick Data becomes the vehicle to facilitate additional tooling for customer advocacy, allowing leaders to voice the genuine needs and desires of customers, challenging the status quo, and driving meaningful change.

Consider next, the very real impact that the insights from your CMDM might have on your data systems landscape in terms of practices and technologies. These might include all or just some of the following :

Leverage curated customer data to build robust personalization engines, that utilize customer preferences, purchase history, and behavior data to tailor marketing messages, product recommendations, and website content to individual customers. Personalization enhances the overall customer experience by making interactions more relevant and engaging.

The use of historical customer data in predictive analytics can forecast customer behaviors, such as purchasing patterns or potential churn. By understanding these trends, businesses can proactively address customer needs, offer personalized incentives, and prevent issues before they arise.

Consolidated customer data gives a comprehensive view through the integrated data from various touchpoints (sales, marketing, support) into the CMDM to create a holistic customer profile. This 360-degree view ensures that every interaction is informed by a complete understanding of the customer, leading to more meaningful engagements.

The use of customer data to enhance automated support systems.supports AI-driven chatbots or virtual assistants that leverage customer records to provide personalized support. These systems can understand customer history, preferences, and past interactions, delivering efficient and tailored assistance.

Curated customer feedback that gets analyzed can provide insights into customer sentiment along with text mining techniques to extract valuable insights from customer reviews, surveys, and feedback. This information can guide product improvements, service enhancements, and overall business strategy. But you need to bring it all to a relationship with a master, best served by CMDM.

You might want to anticipate and address customer issues before they escalate. If you leverage historical customer data you might be able to identify patterns that precede common issues. Implement proactive measures, such as targeted communication or personalized offers, to prevent problems and enhance the customer experience.

Customer segmentation based on curated data and demographics, behavior, or preferences is almost a “table stakes” use case, with which you can tailor marketing campaigns for each segment, ensuring that promotions and messaging resonate with specific customer groups.

Keeping track of an understanding of the customer journey for strategic marketing by way of a map of the customer journey using data on touchpoints, interactions, and behaviors. can be useful in developing targeted marketing strategies aligned with different stages of the customer lifecycle, fostering long-term relationships.

The use of customer behavior data is especially useful for fraud detection wherein you analyze transaction patterns and historical data to identify anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities. Implementation of preventive measures to secure customer accounts and transactions can be significant and CMDM can support the provisioning of the data and the associative flagging and behavioral markers.

Naturally, enhancements to compliance and privacy measures are very topical these days and businesses want and need to implement tools and processes to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. This includes robust consent management, data encryption, and regular audits to safeguard customer information and maintain trust. Much of which is automatically provided by the Pretectum CMDM in particular.

The Customer Master Data Management Top 10 for 2024

pillar of data

There is a logical progression of concepts that build upon each other to articulate the comprehensive benefits of Customer Master Data Management (CMDM).

This starts with the foundational importance of data quality in a solution like the Pretectum CMDM. Data quality serves as the bedrock upon which all subsequent benefits rely. Without accurate and reliable customer data, organizations cannot effectively streamline operations, make informed decisions, or enhance the customer experience. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish data quality as a primary focus of any CMDM program.

CMDM streamlines customer data management operations. By centralizing and unifying customer data, organizations can eliminate inefficiencies associated with managing disparate data sources. This streamlined approach not only reduces operational costs but also lays the groundwork for more effective decision-making and customer engagement.

With operations streamlined, the question then, is how CMDM empowers organizations to make better decisions. By providing comprehensive insights into customer behavior and preferences, CMDM enables decision-makers to formulate more targeted strategies and initiatives. This, in turn, leads to more impactful customer interactions and ultimately drives business success.

Building upon the theme of decision-making, CMDM enhances the customer experience. Organizations can deliver personalized interactions and seamless experiences across all touchpoints by leveraging deep insights into customer data. This not only fosters customer satisfaction but also strengthens brand loyalty and advocacy.

Everything is done in pursuit of driving revenue growth. By optimizing operations, decision-making, and customer experience, CMDM enables organizations to capitalize on revenue opportunities and maximize customer lifetime value. This solidifies the value proposition of CMDM as a strategic imperative for organizations looking to achieve sustainable growth and success in today’s competitive business landscape.

Enhanced Data Quality

Ensuring superior data quality is fundamental for any organization leveraging a Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) solution. It is the cornerstone of all customer-related initiatives, ensuring that every interaction, analysis, and decision is based on accurate and consistent customer information. By meticulously identifying and rectifying discrepancies, purging redundancies, and maintaining data integrity across customer datasets, CMDM guarantees that businesses have a reliable foundation for their customer-centric strategies. This commitment to data quality not only instills trust in customer data but also minimizes the risk of errors, misinformation, and misguided decisions, ultimately leading to more effective customer engagement and sustained business success.

Streamlined Operations

Streamlining operations through Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) is essential for organizations aiming to enhance efficiency and agility in customer-facing activities. By establishing a unified and centralized repository of customer information, CMDM eliminates the complexities and inefficiencies associated with managing disparate customer data sources. This unified approach not only accelerates customer-related processes but also reduces operational costs stemming from data redundancy, manual reconciliation efforts, and inconsistent workflows. With streamlined operations enabled by CMDM, organizations can respond more swiftly to customer needs, deliver personalized experiences, and seize market opportunities, thereby maintaining a competitive edge and driving business growth.

Improved Decision-Making

Enhanced decision-making facilitated by Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) is critical for organizations seeking to optimize customer interactions and drive sustainable growth. By providing decision-makers with comprehensive and accurate insights into customer behavior, preferences, and interactions across various channels, CMDM empowers them to make informed decisions with confidence. This holistic view of customer data enables executives to identify trends, forecast demand, and anticipate customer needs more accurately. As a result, organizations can develop targeted marketing strategies, optimize resource allocation, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their customers, ultimately driving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability.

An Ability to Drive New Customer Experiences

Elevating the customer experience through Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) is paramount for businesses aiming to build enduring relationships and foster brand loyalty. Only by consolidating and centralizing customer data from disparate sources, CMDM systems enable organizations to gain a holistic understanding of their customer’s preferences, behaviors, and interactions. Armed with this comprehensive insight, businesses can personalize interactions, tailor products and services, and deliver seamless experiences across touchpoints, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering long-term loyalty. Moreover, by leveraging CMDM to anticipate and address customer needs proactively, organizations can differentiate themselves in the market and position themselves as trusted advisors, driving customer advocacy and revenue growth.

Increased Revenue

Driving revenue growth through Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) is a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to capitalize on customer insights and market opportunities. By leveraging CMDM to analyze customer data, segment audiences, and target the right customers with personalized offerings, organizations can enhance conversion rates, increase sales performance, and maximize customer lifetime value. Additionally, by delivering consistent and compelling experiences across channels, CMDM helps organizations cultivate customer loyalty and advocacy, driving repeat business and revenue growth.

Customer Benefits

Based on their significance in directly impacting the customer experience and fostering long-term relationships with customers, consider these important customer benefits when you focus on your customer master data management.

Personalization is a key driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty. When businesses understand their customers’ preferences and tailor interactions accordingly, it creates a more engaging and meaningful experience for the customer, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction and repeat business.

Customers expect businesses to have accurate information about them. By ensuring data accuracy, businesses can make informed decisions that directly impact the customer experience. For example, offering relevant products or services based on accurate customer data leads to more positive interactions and increased trust.

Quick and effective customer support is crucial for resolving issues and building trust with customers. By providing support representatives with a holistic view of the customer and any journeys with the customer, an organization can address relationship needs more efficiently, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Customers appreciate relevant and appropriate suggestions and recommendations at the right and best time to cater to their interests preferences and situations. Leveraging customer data, an organization’s teams and applications can make more precise, targeted, and accurate recommendations, businesses can enhance the shopping experience, increase sales, and build stronger relationships with customers.

I f your organization is in the business of selling goods, or services, or simply having a relationship with consumers; targeted marketing campaigns are more effective in engaging than generic messaging. By segmenting customers based on their characteristics and behaviors, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to specific audience segments, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

These five benefits directly contribute to a positive customer experience by providing personalized interactions, accurate information, efficient support, relevant recommendations, and targeted marketing efforts. By focusing on these areas, organizations can strengthen their relationships with consumers and audiences and drive long-term loyalty and satisfaction.

The value proposition of a Customer Master Data Management (CMDM) system like the Pretectum CMDM, lies in its ability to holistically enhance the entire customer experience journey.

By ensuring superior data quality, streamlining operations, improving decision-making, enabling new customer experiences, and driving increased revenue, CMDM becomes a strategic imperative for organizations. The system provides personalized interactions, accurate information, efficient support, relevant recommendations, and targeted marketing efforts, ultimately fostering enduring relationships, customer loyalty, and satisfaction in today’s competitive business landscape.

Pretectum CMDM serves as the foundation for businesses seeking sustainable growth and success by leveraging comprehensive customer insights and delivering exceptional experiences across touchpoints; Pretectum CMDM serves up the single customer view, integrates it with your business sources and analytics platforms, and provides your personnel with a unified view of the customer with data that can be as rich and comprehensive as your imagination permits.

Customer MDM and future data practice

man standing in the middle of road

Master Data Management (MDM) has gone from an auxiliary data management service adopted by only the largest and most complex of organizations and transformed itself into program-critical functionality for SMBs too.

Many organizations now consider MDM as integral to their success. This is no less true for Customer MDM (CMDM) in particular. Having a dismissive perspective concerning CMDM and regarding master data management altogether as an expensive, time-consuming, and patience-testing trivial pursuit is, for many, long gone.

Today, CMDM is recognized as more than just practice and more than software; it is now a comprehensive initiative that plays a definitive role in ensuring compliance and customer data hygiene. Underpinnings include improved data reliability, completeness, and readiness of customer master data for insightful decision-making and business action.

In the contemporary business landscape, where data is a cornerstone of operations, CMDM is a highly crucial discipline. Business and IT converge collaboratively in their work to achieve customer data uniformity, accuracy, stewardship, semantic consistency, and appropriate accountability of the shared customer master data asset. The significance of CMDM in organizational processes is the bedrock for informed decision-making and efficient business operations.

As organizations embark on various digital transformation journeys, CMDM is being recognized as a core element in the evolution. The future of CMDM practice is shaped by organizations’ ability to leverage SaaS technologies in particular. These take advantage of Big Data, Large Language Models (LLM) Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and play pivotal roles in shaping next-generation CMDM. Such technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for organizations to enhance data management capabilities, and drive efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insights.

Data Management for Data Lakes:

The traditional approach to data warehousing (DW) is mostly obsolete, DW is now displaced by data lakes and data virtualization platforms. Data lakes, in contrast to DWs, store vast amounts of data, often in native formats as raw, unstructured bits and bytes. This provides flexibility and scalability.

Designing and implementing a data lake is however a complex undertaking. Without proper transformation, loading data from legacy systems into such platforms can lead to chaos.

The solution lies in effective Metadata Management and Data Governance to extract true value via Big Data Analytics. A precise CMDM strategy is imperative for ensuring data lakes serve as valuable sources, transition, and target assets rather than devolving into unmanageable data quagmires.

Interactive De-duplication using Active Learning:

De-duplication of customer records is a core functionality of CMDM tooling like the Pretectum CMDM. In the past, one would rely on manually created matching rules and policies. The complexity of these often hinders efficient decision-making, and the consequences of changes can be challenging to predict across large data in particular.

Machine Learning Models offer a solution by training on smaller subsets with affirming or refuting labels and those are then applied as machine learning training to larger datasets. Such models not only predict record matches but also assist in optimizing record match policies. The incorporation of ML in de-duplication processes enhances accuracy and efficiency, laying the foundation for more robust CMDM practices.

Automated Data Stewardship using Machine Learning:

The past decade has also borne witness to a shift from “data-aware” information systems to “process-aware” systems, such as Workflow Management Systems.

Data Governance and Workflows support routing work items to human supervisors, existing legacy workflows often lack optimization based on real-life execution timelines.

Machine Learning has the potential to revolutionize these Data Governance workflows by training and optimizing processes based on learnings from actual behavior around data. Such optimizations hold the potential for reducing the time spent on improving process efficiency, allowing Data Stewards to focus on more productive tasks during high-volume critical seasonal fluctuations, ultimately enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Pulling out a crystal ball is always challenging, few would have expected the stratospheric rise of LLMs in 2023, so we need to acknowledge that the technology is evolving rapidly but still anticipate the trajectory of CMDM in the coming years.

Empowering the customer

Providing customers with control and transparency over their data. By implementing permission-based strategies and user-friendly preference centers, organizations enable customers to dictate how their information is used.

This shift towards permission-based data management fosters a more open dialogue, allowing customers to set preferences and interests, enhancing their digital experience. The evolution towards customer control aligns with the changing landscape of data regulations, emphasizing the ethical collection of first-party and zero-party data. In this empowered environment, customers not only contribute to more relevant interactions but also actively shape their digital engagement, creating a mutually beneficial and trusting relationship with organizations.

The Pretectum Customer Redefined
The Pretectum Customer Redefined – Self-Curated, Inherited, Derived from leads, Derived from transactions

Leveraging the Power of Big Data, LLM, ML, and AI

The integration of Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), along with Large Language Models (LLMs), will continue to break ground in efforts around better Customer Master Data Management.

Leveraging these advanced technologies will allow organizations to extract actionable insights, enhance data accuracy, and streamline CMDM processes. Big Data will facilitate the storage and analysis of vast data, while ML and AI optimize de-duplication, matching, anonymization, synthesizing, and customer data protection, all in favor of more efficient data stewardship accompanied by unparalleled precision.

LLMs contribute to natural language processing, enabling a deeper understanding of customer preferences. This technological synergy empowers CMDM to evolve dynamically, meeting the challenges of data complexity, ensuring compliance, and delivering a personalized and responsive customer experience in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Data Management for Data Lakes and DW

CMDM acts as a crucial defense against data chaos in both data lakes and warehouses. In data lakes, CMDM ensures the precise ingestion of relevant customer data, employing Metadata Management and Data Governance strategies to avoid swamps caused by uncontrolled data accumulation.

In traditional warehouses, CMDM’s emphasis on accuracy and cleanliness prevents the creation of complex and tangled datasets, reducing the risk of quagmires. By instilling discipline in data management, CMDM proactively safeguards against the emergence of unmanageable or low-quality data, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of both data lakes and warehouses. Its targeted approach ensures that these repositories remain structured, well-governed, and conducive to effective analytics.

Holistic Integration

CMDM is also poised to revolutionize digital transformation by ensuring holistic integration with heterogeneous systems that store and utilize customer data.

As organizations evolve digitally, CMDM becomes the linchpin in unifying diverse data sources. Its impact extends beyond data accuracy and governance, influencing seamless interoperability across systems.

CMDM systems’ structured approach harmonizes customer data, facilitating a Single Customer View, a critical element in enhancing customer experiences. Through precise integration with various systems, CMDM enables organizations to break down silos, providing a comprehensive understanding of customers. This transformative role positions CMDM as a catalyst for streamlined operations, informed decision-making, and ultimately, the success of digital initiatives by creating a unified and enriched customer data ecosystem.

Alignment with Business Goals

CMDM is essential in aligning business goals and fostering value chains that businesses can derive substantial benefits from. By ensuring the accuracy and uniformity of customer data, CMDM becomes integral in supporting strategic business objectives.

This role extends beyond data governance, influencing the creation of interconnected value chains. CMDM systems facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the customer, thereby enabling businesses to tailor products and services, enhance customer experiences, and drive revenue growth.

This cohesive approach not only breaks down data silos further but also forms the backbone for informed decision-making. CMDM then becomes instrumental in creating agile and responsive value chains that align seamlessly with business goals, unlocking efficiency, innovation, and sustained success.

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of digital transformation, CMDM will continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring data accuracy, uniformity, and reliability. Organizations that embrace the evolving nature of CMDM, integrate it holistically into their digital strategies, and leverage innovative technologies will be well-positioned to thrive in the data-driven era. The journey of CMDM is an ongoing evolution, marked by continuous innovation, adaptability, and a steadfast commitment to achieving business objectives through effective data management.