Shaping technical requirements for your customer MDM

Assuming you have settled on a cloud-based customer MDM, you’ll need to consider a couple of key traits that the technical solution should or could have to meet the present and future needs of your business.

Pretectum considers the following five essential traits to be important from a technical standpoint and with these in mind, the Pretectum CMDM is constructed accordingly using the latest available cloud infrastructure.

Secure – clients connect to the platform using credentials that are tied to their organization’s identity. Accordingly, we don’t use user IDs we use email addresses. Users have to have been established by a domain administrator or invited to participate. Credentials are verified using the latest in verification methods are the details are stored securely in the internals of the system. Users can be deactivated by the administrator and even deleted. Users can also be more securely identified using Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Schema models and data are stored in the system in a secure and encrypted manner and is only visible to the administrator of the system and users based on a permissions model. Even Pretectum support personnel cannot see the data you store plainly even though they have access to the back-end internals of the system.

Data objects within the system are made available to other users of the system within the same domain on a least-privilege basis. This means that even if you can log into the system you may not have permission to even view something let alone edit, delete or download it.

Compartmentalized – within the domain definition, the administrator is able to establish multiple logical business areas to assist users in having access to just the right amount of functionality and objects that they need to achieve their objectives. So apart from the domain, you also have a business area.

A user has to curate their schema models and ultimately their data sets in the context of the business area and these objects have to be tied to a business area. Other users of the system only have access to objects in the business area if they are members of that business area and their abilities in that business area are tied to the permissions they have been granted to that business area even if they have more powerful role assignments.

Collaborative – at the core of any MDM there is expected to be some degree of co-creation and co-curation of customer master data. Accordingly, the Pretectum CMDM supports a basic collaboration decision workflow model for the creation of objects within the system. This is configurable on the fly as well as through some basic rules and all decisions are stored securely in an audit logic that can be used for decision reviews and auditing.

Connected – a customer master data management system that operates in a vacuum is less valuable than a master data management system that is hyperconnected. The Pretectum CMDM supports the most popular connectivity options for working with your cloud-based and cloud-exposed systems and data repositories

Scalable & Reliable – it goes without saying that any hub and spoke implementation of a customer MDM needs to always be operational and dependable.

The Pretectum CMDM is architected and deployed on the latest cloud infrastructure in data centres that are world-class and servicing the world. You can be confident that the customer master is available when you need it and where you need it and will perform as well in terms of throughput as similar systems deployed on-premise.

Contact us to learn more about how you can benefit from the Pretectum CMDM advantage.

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