Schema Design for Customer

Designing a schema for a customer master database as a comma-separated list isn’t typically recommended, as it doesn’t adhere to good database design principles, including normalization.

A well-structured relational database with separate tables for related information is usually a better choice. However, if you have a specific reason to use a comma-separated format (e.g., for exporting data or other specific use cases), you can design a simple schema like this:


  • customer_id (Primary Key)
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email
  • phone_number
  • address
  • city
  • state
  • postal_code
  • country
  • date_of_birth
  • registration_date

In this schema, each field is separated by commas within a single row, and each row represents a different customer. However, note that this format is not suitable for complex queries or efficient data retrieval. It’s recommended to use a database management system (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) to create a normalized database schema with separate tables for related information for a more scalable and efficient solution.