Third Party Data

Third-party data is a type of data that is collected and aggregated by external sources, separate from your organization.

This data is typically obtained from external providers, data brokers, or data aggregators who gather information from multiple sources and sell it to businesses for various purposes.

Third-party data can be used by you to supplement your own first-party data and gain additional insights into target audiences. However third-party data is becoming increasingly problematic in the context of privacy and regulation.

Quality and Accuracy: Third-party data quality can vary widely. Since it is collected from various sources, there may be inconsistencies, errors, or outdated information, which can impact the reliability of the data.

Lack of Transparency: You often have limited visibility into the specific sources and methods used to collect third-party data. This lack of transparency can make it challenging to assess data accuracy and relevance.

Privacy Concerns: Third-party data may contain sensitive or personal information about individuals. Using such data without proper consent or in violation of data privacy regulations can lead to legal and ethical issues.

Data Compliance: You must ensure that you are compliant with data privacy laws and regulations when using third-party data. Failure to do so can result in fines and damage to reputation.

Data Security: Sharing data with third-party providers carries security risks. You must trust that your data is handled securely by these providers to prevent breaches or data leaks.

Data Freshness: Third-party data may not always be up-to-date. This can be especially problematic for you if you require real-time or current information for decision-making.

Over-Reliance on External Sources: Relying too heavily on third-party data can lead to a lack of ownership and control over customer insights. You may become dependent on external sources for your data needs.

Limited Customization: Third-party data is typically pre-packaged and may not fully align with your specific needs or target audience criteria. Customization options can be limited.

Cost: Acquiring third-party data can be costly, especially when dealing with high-quality data sources. You must weigh the cost of purchasing data against the potential benefits.

Competitive Availability: Third-party data is often available to others, including competitors. This can limit its effectiveness in gaining a competitive edge.

Data Silos: Third-party data is often separate from your first-party data. Integrating and aligning these two types of data can be challenging, potentially leading to data silos. Pretectum can help in this area as part of the duplicate record management process.

Diminished Trust: Overreliance on third-party data without sufficient validation can lead to diminished trust in data-driven decision-making if the data proves to be inaccurate or unreliable.

Pretectum recommends being more reliant on Zero party and First party data however if you wish to incorporate second and third-party data into your CMDM it is possible.