That Single Customer View

woman on rock platform viewing city

What do you interpret as a Single Customer View or SCV? You only have to search through the internet, literature, and marketing materials from vendors to realize that the concept of an SCV is a fuzzy-edged and somewhat amorphous thing, just like your actual customer master data perhaps?

One solution vendor describes it as “a method for gathering all the data about your prospects and clients and merging it into a single record“, they also might describe it as a ‘360’, ‘360 degree’ or ‘unified’ customer view. But this all assumes that you know the position from which you’re looking at the customer and the business purpose that you have in mind.

The assumption in some instances is that the Single Customer View is composed primarily of first-party data, in other words, data gathered by the many functions of a given business during the course of transactions and various market engagements.

However, when the first-party data is combined with supplementary data from third parties who have anonymized datasets that can be attached to those same customer records by data relationships like physical address, that customer record becomes infinitely more valuable and is able to be categorized for uses that are potentially more useful, valuable and meaningful for different business activities.

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Click on the image for a better view of the platform capabilities

The challenge today, across many organizations is that the customer entity record is often not held in just one place. It is often purposefully held in systems that have very specific functions that have customer records either as a focus or necessary side aspect of their function. As a consequence, having and in fact, maintaining a unified view and understanding of the customer is quite challenging.

Consider a bank, for example, that maintains the customer master records for mortgages and bonds, separately from brokerage, savings, credit card, checking, and loan accounts. It is not inconceivable that for regular transaction processing, that same bank, has at least five or more customer master records for ostensibly the same person. In some countries, these can be connected using a national identity number like an SSN, but in many instances, this is not a requirement for the establishment of the account – any legitimate state, province, or government-issued identity document might suffice.

For those organizations and traders that are unregulated the problem might be that the only tenuous relationship that might exist between the marketing, inventory, and billing systems might be an email address, a phone number, or a delivery address depending on the level of integration between systems and the relative maturity of the organization’s data management practices.

Pretectum seeks to resolve these types of challenges by supporting a number of different approaches to customer MDM in whatever way makes the most sense for the business. These approaches include a hub and spoke deployment where the MDM is a collation point for the customer entity from one or more systems or as a derived golden record master record that can be used as a cross-referencing or search index point for multiple systems to reduce the proliferation of duplicate records.

Ultimately, Pretectum’s CMDM could also serve as your origination system, supporting the establishment and immutable authority on the most complete description of the customer record for transactional and reference purposes and a true golden record that is originated and managed centrally and syndicated to all systems as and when appropriate.

If your choice is to include aggregations and summations of data and external identifiers from other platforms and systems, that is entirely at your discretion. The main thing is that you have the customer master data that you need, continuously curated and fit for your business purposes no matter how diverse those purposes may be.

Contact us to learn more about how our platform can be of help.

Taking customers by the hand

couple holding hands while walking on sand

The retail world has pivoted since the COVID-19 Pandemic in many parts of the world. Despite the fact that brick and mortar stores won’t entirely disappear, the nature of how businesses engage and transact with the public for the exchange of goods has transformed and will likely evolve further.

The impact has been palpable and pervasive; home delivery services for groceries, fast food and the like have mushroomed, accompanied by the proliferation of services and mobile apps and websites to support order capture. Vendors have had to either build or buy services to integrate and the impact on the back office has been varied.

Market analysts even say that the e-commerce industry itself will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the coronavirus pandemic. Penetration rates, which are currently at around 15%, are expected to increase to 25% by 2025 (MarketWatch, 2020). A 67% increase in a short five years.

Product and service vendors have never before had this much opportunity for insight into customer behaviour and the same time the opportunity to influence what others will buy or use. The opportunity is extraordinary for those who are ready to seize it and who have the data and intent on gathering data.

It is important then, to consider the impact that all this has on the potential for customer retention and loyalty. Consumers have even more choices now, and their decision to buy is going to be influenced by product and service availability, price, past and anticipated quality and brand and business placement.

All indications in industry statistics suggest that existing customers may easily jump ship in response to finding your price higher than that of others for ostensibly generic goods and services or as a result of a bad purchase experience.

Conversely, if your business makes bold use of testimonials, has a high upvote or customer satisfaction rating on shared platforms and has good reviews, then the chances of you poaching customers from others is greater. You also have better potential in building a larger loyal customer base and being placed higher in search rankings

There is a lot of noise and interference to now contend with, as a consumer, so this makes attracting new customers increasingly difficult – will they hear your message? The choices are plentiful and unless you have a niche offering, quality is potentially less impactful. Where you are likely to really win, is on message, a customized and closer interaction experience with your customers and superior service and strong past customer recommendations and reviews. 

Brand becomes of heightened importance

Customer actions, a product or service or vendor rating, the use of referrals and referral concessions and coupons, social media sharing, viral brand-related content sharing and advocacy- they’re all super important under ordinary circumstances.

With at least 10% of any given workforce now potentially working from home or in a hybrid setting at least, there is much more of an opportunity to get their attention. Using these elements of how people express sentiment and their favour in relation to brands is essential to build and understand.

These same customers will be looking for personalization of every interaction that they have with your brand – In 2018 Bazaarvoice found that 50% of shoppers  felt a personalized online experience is important. Almost three-quarters of marketers around the same time, according to Evergage, also believe personalization has a “strong” or “extreme” impact on advancing customer relationships.

The demographic of your customers likely will also be different to what you might have had in conventional retail. For example, a 2020 Shopify survey found that two out of every three (67 percent) consumers aged 18 to 34 are spending more money purchasing items online now than before the pandemic; their behaviour has therefore changed.

There has been a change for older age groups too. Consumers from 35 to 54 years of age increased their online shopping expenditure by 57% and 41% for consumers aged 55 and above.

To achieve an understanding and develop a customer brand advocacy program your business needs data to help identify advocates and influencers and unpaid spokesmen and referrers. The best bet for building and managing this data is by using a centralized customer master data management system like that offered by Pretectum.

You’ll want to take the data that a customer provides you with and harness it for future communications, to extend offers, provide promotional messages and of course, hone, refine and customize the customer’s experience every time they visit your website, your storefront or a system that you have, that they might need access to. A solid execution plan will have this data held centrally in a hub that disseminates it to whoever and wherever it needs to be; webshop, support portal, billing system and even point of sales and mobile app.

With the Pretectum CMDM your business has the flexibility of deciding what you want to track and of course who you want to track and why.

The Gen Z customer and brands

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Pew Research Center has been studying the Millennial generation for years but in 2018 decided there was a difference between Millennials and the next generation.

They decided to use 1996 as the last birth year for Millennials for their future work. Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 was considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward is part of a new generation.

They hesitated at first to give this next generation a name but settled on Generation Z. In the interceding years, Gen Z has taken hold in popular culture and journalism. You will find it referenced in Merriam-Webster, Oxford, and Urban Dictionary as the generation that follows Millennials.

This is a generation with which you have an 8-second window to either perform or perish.

Sarwant Singh – Forbes

As cited in a 2019 article, “generational cutoff points aren’t an exact science. They should be viewed primarily as tools”, tools for analysis and classification of people, like your customers!

Why do we bring this up? Well, the answer is simple, Gen Z represents a significant customer market and they are a generation that has been raised on the internet and social media.

Most of them earn their own income and even if they haven’t quite flown the coop, their parents and family members likely support them financially with more robust purchasing power than prior generations of youth.

In China, for example, they have naturally become the main force that drives China’s consumer market.

As members of Gen Z take center stage in the consumer market, they are influencing the survivorship of brands and they aren’t necessarily going for the mainstream or traditional brands, and China, in particular, not even necessarily chasing global or foreign brands.

This represents a significant opportunity for newcomers, niche brands, and brands that choose to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack.

Broadly speaking, Gen Zers are ethnically diverse, socially aware, and environmentally conscious” according to Singh. Authenticity and transparency are key and they prefer direct autonomy and control in their decision-making as opposed to being ‘sold to’. This implies a general distrust of big established brands, and favor for brands that focus on the individual. Purchase decisions are therefore based on peer reviews, accessible product information, and ratings – decision potentially by consensus. Who has all that? Actually, the heritage brands do, they just need to keep the volume and velocity of good ratings up.

Where global brands sometimes fail

We have to acknowledge that tastes change over time, and with them, brand preferences. Just ten years ago, if you were considering the purchase of a Tesla car say, you would have raised some eyebrows, today, not so much.

The eyebrows would likely have been raised by those born in an era that was dominated by global brands like Ford, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Nissan, Toyota, GM, Mazda, and the like. Other brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Rolls Royce would have been regarded as premium brands. You’ll find a lot of sentiment out there about these brands because many of them have been multi-generationally familiar to us.

An article in the SCMP suggests “Your choice between, say, an Audi Q7, a BMW X5, a Porsche Cayenne or a Mercedes GLE (now) becomes more a matter of your brand preference than of significant product differences. The choice of options and materials is pretty much the same.” Engines used to be a differentiator, for example, but that difference may be moot with all-electric engines, and though the heritage brands are late to the game, they may still have their brand and their history with the past customers as the ultimate trump card.

Studies undertaken in 2020 and 2021 by YPulse in North America according to Inc, noted that young people were already thinking differently about mobility for example. Gen Z’ers are looking at alternatives to ride-share and public transport in favor of their own rides. 3.4% no longer want to ride public transport and 56% say they want safer transportation, options that they obviously feel ridesharing and public transport don’t necessarily offer.

E&Ys 2020 Mobility Consumer Index found that 45% of all first-time car buyers are Millennials, another powerhouse group with dollars to spend. Intuitively, one would expect the more ‘environment woke’ Gen Z and Millennial consumers would be interested in only all-electric vehicles like those offered initially by just Tesla and a few others, the analysis doesn’t necessarily support this viewpoint though.

Based on market research performed by Hedges & Company in 2018, it turns out the average Tesla owner is a 54-year-old white man making over $140,000 with no children; so what would it take to change that demographic to more Millennials and Gen Z?

According to Inc, what matters to these generations is not the flashy features that get Boomers and Gen Xers excited. Ypulse found that the younger buyers are more interested in comfort, reliability, and fuel efficiency – in that order, facets that are offered perhaps by Tesla but which traditional brands offer too, at a lower or comparable price point. Remember too, that peer reviews get factored in too!

Keeping their product lines aligned with their heritage and yet still seeking to appeal to the potentially more environmentally conscious Gen Z it is interesting then, that a heritage brand like Ford has “gassed” its business up with new and compelling offerings in the hybrid and full EV spaces. They’ve recognized the need and played their brand advantage but they’ve done it with data to back up their position.

What this is demonstrative of, is a well-established brand responding relatively quickly and introducing horizontal differentiation within the brand vertical that Ford is. The F-150 Lightning for the utilitarian persona perhaps, the Mustang Mach-E for those looking for something with wholly visual and performance appeal, and the E-Transit for the commercial sector. Three distinctive models for likely entirely different markets.

It is suggested that the Gen Z consumer distinguishes themself from other generations by being perhaps more emotional in terms of needs. There’s an element of their outward appearance and overt visible behavior, combined with a need to be distinctive and unique in the face of a great deal of societal homogeneity.

It is perhaps that reason that singles out their relative disinterest in the Tesla brand. Theirs is a personalized aesthetic perhaps, and the older more established brands like Ford, GM, Nissan, and Toyota et al may actually have a better shot at servicing this aesthetic as a result of having offered personalized customization in the past, while at the same time being ecologically and environmentally responsible. It is also about availability. Do I buy something I can drive off the lot today or do I wait? Time will tell. There’s still a relative scarcity factor a long waitlist for Tesla and that doesn’t help.

So what made Ford, take the ambitious objective of all-electric engineering on at the time that it did? According to Forbes contributor Dale Buss, “Ford futurist”, Sheryl Connelly looked at a global survey of thousands of consumers and articulated in Looking Further with Ford Trends Report that off-planet travel for leisure and entertainment Gen Z; and disinterest in next generations of humanity characterized Gen Z. This is backed up by 81% of adults saying climate change is a worry for future generations and at least 40% of Canadian women, for example, cited as having concerns about climate change as a reason for not wanting to have children.

I read that as potentially a story that suggests previous generations have ruined the planet and we need to look for alternatives – something not dissimilar to the message in the apocalyptic black comedy film “Don’t Look Up“. It’s conceivable that Gen Z believes that there are well-progressed invisible plans to colonize other planets and not everyone knows or is “in” on those plans.

You can read more on Connelly’s opinion and discoveries here.

Now you might ask, what does this all have to do with Customer Master Data and MDM in particular? Pretectum’s view is that there’s actually quite a lot. Companies that embrace authenticity will find that Gen Z customers will be their best brand ambassadors. What better to demonstrate authenticity than to be environmentally and socially responsible and yet support uniqueness, individualization, and personalization.

Accommodating individual preferences was ironically the aspect of Henry Ford’s pushback with the Model T that he is well known for. “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black.” The Model T only came in black because the production line required compromise so that efficiency and improved quality could be achieved; modern vehicle production doesn’t have to be so rigid, and in fact, make-to-order (MTO) is increasingly commonplace today even at Ford.

Ford’s goal is to have MTO factory orders account for upwards of a quarter of vehicle sales and consequently, they can reduce overall finished vehicle inventory in US dealerships from a historic average of 75 days to a targeted range of 50-to-60 days.

So, if your business is in automotive for example, you likely have a generation or in fact, multiple generations of buyers of your vehicles. If your customers have had a good past buying and driving experience, they may even have bought multiple vehicles from you.

Those Gen Z’ers that chase a Ford likely grew up in a household where a Ford was owned. There may even be a degree of unintentional brand loyalty among them. As an auto manufacturer, the chances are, you know who those past buyers were, but more importantly, if you’ve afforded them credit, insurance, warranty, extended warranty, and even service and support you know heaps about them from all that interaction.

To maintain those relationships with past customers, and to benefit from the data you have collected in the past you need to consider that you can harvest unique insight that newcomers cannot. You can start to leverage the adequacy of responses to surveys for example. You have to be engaged with those past and present customers and keep them interested in actually engaging with you again and one of the best ways is through personalized communications which are driven by detailed and appropriate customer master data. You can only really do that if the data is aligned with your business needs and the intentions that you have in mind for your outreach programs.

This is where Pretectum as a customer master data management platform provider (CMDM) can be of help. Contact us today to learn more about how you can improve your customer master data.