

The Boolean datatype is a datatype that has one of two possible values. In the Pretectum platform this is a datatype accelerator for validation of data in that it will auto create a picklist based on your choice. You have the choice of y/n Y/N 1/0 t/f or T/F. Choose the most appropriate for your needs

Currency and Numbers

The Currency datatype is a datatype that recognises that you want to capture monetary value with a potential minimum of -1,000,000,000 or a maximum of 1,000,000,000. There is an implicit assumption that the rounding is to two decimal places, the UI will auto round when more than two decimal places are entered.

The Float data type supports large numbers with a default of four decimal places and supports a default range limit of -9007199254740991 and +9007199254740991 this is similar to the Integer data type except that integer assumes no decimal places.

Dates and Times

There are six date time Data Types which should be used according to the specific needs of your requirements.

When choosing Date , all entries are assessed as dates according to the format you choose. number of date formats are supported DD/MM/YYYY in various orders as well as DD/MMM/YYYY. You also have the ability to choose from hyphens, spaces, slashes or stops as separators. This type alos allows you to specify a minimum date and a maximum date.

When choosing Date Day, the default range limits are a minimum of 1 and maximum of 31 but these can also be manually over-ridden

When choosing Date Month, the default range limits are a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 12 but these can also be manually over-ridden.

The defaults for Date Year are 1970 to 9999.

The DateTime datatype allows you to include time as part of the date and again, you are afforded the opportunity to specify the format preference

Standard Formats

Phone, Email and URL use standard formats and support ISO standards where applicable. Phone numbers are assessed against the ITU E.164 phone format. This means that they need to be provided with the + symbol the country code, the subscriber number and the area code. The number can have a maximum of 15 digits but we allow entry of up to 20 chars with a minimum of 4 chars.

Emails must be provided per the 3 elements: local-part, @ symbol and domain name.

The local part may be a maximum of 64 characters long and comprise mixed case Latin characters (non diacritic) and digits – certain special characters such as ! # $ % & ‘ * + – / = ? ^ _ ` { | are allowed but those characters have special technical rules as a part of the domain name part and should be examined in the context of  RFC 5322 Characters ” ( ) , : ; < > @ [ \ ] are disallowed and will fail validation.

URLs can be provided with or without the protocol indicator and port number and should conform to RFC 3986 certain characters are disallowed just as for emails.


Picklists come in two forms, Dynamic and Static picklists. Dynamic picklists make use of Business Area Data and Static picklists are configured uniquely for that field in that schema.

If picklists are used frequently and exceed more than a dozen or so values it is recommended that Dynamic Picklists based on Business Area Data be used.